Your 4th of July photos of your littles should be full of laughs and let’s face it – easy!
We LOVE setting up a Fourth of July PhotoPOP for our members every year, but we want to offer something accessible to all our families!
So, for those of you wanting cute, simple and fun 4th of July photos without the overwhelm, Meg & I put together 7 great ideas you can do right at home!
And, what is even better. You do not need a professional camera to take these. Your camera phone is just fine!

1. DIY Fourth of July Banner!!
Adding a cute banner on a white wall or even having your little (if they are old enough) hold it is a simple but festive way to commemorate the Holiday! With simple ribbons, bandanas, or even mini flags, you can create a classic look. You can even just buy one on Etsy, if you wanna skip the DIY part! Then all you need to do is add your little! Make sure to dress them in something very simple, with no patterns, as to not create unnecessary clutter in the images.

2. Flag Balloon
This one will be a hit with the littles. Get 2-3 balloons (to have some backups in case of popping). Put your little in front of a clean white wall with no other props – less is more! Then just let them play with the balloon and be prepared to get the cutest laughs and smiles! You can take them outside too in Portrait Mode on your Phone to get that summer vibe and blurred background!

3. No Props
Yup! You heard us right. All this involves is a red, white, and blue outfit for your kiddos. Put them in their cute outfits with a simple backdrop – like your backyard if there is a lot of greenery or even a nice white wall (you can tell we like our white walls!!). There you have it, so simple but effective!

4. Sparklers
This is for those older kiddos only! Bring them outside in your backyard near the end of the day before dusk and have them light some sparklers. Use Portrait Mode (if you have an iPhone) to focus on only them and to get that beautiful bokeh of the background. You can even have them hold out the sparklers in front of them at arms length and you can focus on the sparkler and slightly blur your little to get that artsy photo!! Have fun with it, and be Safe!!

5. Summer Food
From watermelon, strawberries, blueberries to Red, White & Blue Cake; whenever you involve food with your little it makes it all the more fun. We love dressing kiddos in denim with white shirts and summer plaids!! This is a great idea for those kiddos that are not huge fans of photos, it is a nice distraction and allows for messy and beautiful candids.

6. Confetti Photos!!!
Kiddos LOVE this one! Substitute the usual glitter for red, white and blue colors (if you can find star confetti in red, white and blue – even better)! Make sure you are ready with a countdown and have your phone set and ready. Photo TIP: If you have an iPhone, you can set your camera to lock your focus on your little by going into Portrait Mode and holding your finger over your subject until the AE/AF lock pops up on top – this way when they blow the confetti they will stay in focus. Once the camera is ready, give them a bunch of confetti in their hands and countdown and snap away!! You may have to try a couple times, so have fun with it!!

7. RadioFlyer & Flags
We are biased with this one, as it was our set this year!! If you have one of these RadioFlyer wagons then this one is for you! You can do this inside like we did or you can take it outside too! Just give your kiddo a flag and put them in the wagon. To add some depth, if you are outside you can stick some flags in the ground! Don’t have a wagon? You can use a bike, crate or wooden chair as well! Bonus points if its red, white or blue!!
We hope you loved all our ideas to achieve cute 4th of July photos at home! If you decide to try any out, please tag us on Instagram – @meghanandtracey! We would love to see them!!
Happy Fourth Y’all!
Meghan & Tracey
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